University of Virginia Topology Seminar 2012-13

Fall Semester

Date Speaker Title
August 30 Everyone Organizational Meeting
September 6 Nick Kuhn (UVA) Differential Graded Hopf Algebras
September 13 Carolyn Yarnall (UVA) Determining Slice Towers
September 20 Mike Hill (UVA) $[G]-E_\infty$ ring spectra
September 27 Kate Ponto (UKY) Multiplicativity of fixed point invariants
October 4 Sean Tilson (Wayne State) Power operations and the Kunneth spectral sequence
October 11 Dustin Clausen (MIT) p-adic J-homomorphisms
October 18 Claire Tomesch (UChicago) Categories of Cohesion and 'Discretized' Model Categories
October 25 Vesna Stojanoska (MIT) A study of tmf cooperations
October 31 Costumes! Halloween Party (6-9PM)
November 1 Emily Riehl (Harvard) Homotopy coherent adjunctions of quasi-categories
November 8 John Lind (JHU) Higher geometry and algebraic K-theory
November 14 Kristen Mazur (UVA) A G-Symmetric Monoidal Structure on the Category of G-Mackey Functors
November 22 Thanksgiving No Seminar
December 6 Nathaniel Stapleton (MIT) An Application of Transchromatic Generalized Character Theory

Spring Semester

Date Speaker Title
January 24 Lennart Meier (UVA) Derived Stacks
January 31 Lennart Meier (UVA) Galois Theory in Derived Algebraic Geometry
February 7 Mike Hill (UVa) Topological modular forms in the log-etale topology
February 14 Don Larson (U. Rochester) A computation in 3-primary K(2)-local stable homotopy theory using topological modular forms
February 21 Yifei Zhu (UMN) Computing power operations for Morava E-theory of height 2 at the prime 3
February 28 Jack Ullman (MIT) The Regular Slice Spectral Sequence
March 7 Nick Kuhn (UVA) On Jon Carlson's depth conjecture in group cohomology
March 14 Spring Break No Seminar
April 18 Dan Margalit (Georgia Tech) Torelli groups, braid groups, and moduli spaces
April 25 Kristen Mazur (UVA) [Thesis Defense] On the Structure of Mackey Functors and Tambara Functors
April 25 Carolyn Yarnall (UVA) [Thesis Defense] The Slices of Suspensions of HZ for Cyclic p-Groups
May 2 Rebecca Field (JMU) $BG_2$ and descent
May 9 Josh Parks (UVA) Division Functors and the Cohomology of Loop Spaces


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