January 24 |
Greg Arone (UVa) |
Calculus of functors and embedding spaces: an overview |
January 31 |
Kai-Uwe Bux (UVa) |
The dimension of the group of partially symmetric automorphisms of a free group
(Joint with Ruth Charney and Karen Vogtmann) We determine the virtual dimension of the group $P\Sigma(n,k)\subset Out(F_n)$ generated by automorphisms which send the first $k$ generators to conjugates of themselves (each x_i is going to a conjugate $wx_iw^{-1}$). Thm: $vcd(P\Sigma(n,k))=2n-k-2$. |
February 7 |
Eric Finster (UVa) |
The Model Structure on the Category of Small Categories |
February 14 |
Kai-Uwe Bux (UVa) |
The dimension of the group of partially symmetric automorphisms of a free group II
(Joint with Ruth Charney and Karen Vogtmann) We determine the virtual dimension of the group $P\Sigma(n,k)\subset Out(F_n)$ generated by automorphisms which send the first $k$ generators to conjugates of themselves (each x_i is going to a conjugate $wx_iw^{-1}$). Thm: $vcd(P\Sigma(n,k))=2n-k-2$. |
February 21 |
Nicholas Hamblet (UVa) |
The Poset of Linear Subspaces of R^n Notes |
February 28 |
No Seminar |
March 6 |
No Seminar |
Spring Break |
March 13 |
No Seminar |
March 20 |
Pascal Lambrechts (U of Louvaine la Neuve) |
On Semi-Algebraic Forms |
March 27 |
Nick Kuhn (UVa) |
The Homology of Symmetric Groups in Characteristic p |
April 3 |
No Seminar |
No Seminar |
April 10 |
Tom Mark (UVa) |
Exotic Stein fillings of contact 3-manifolds |
April 17 |
Josh Greene (Princeton) |
Floer homology and knot concordance
I will talk about two recent approaches to the study of smooth knot concordance, one coming from Donaldson theory, the other from Heegaard Floer homology. Then I will discuss how to combine the two to give a novel test for a knot to be slice, and apply the test to determine the concordance order of three-stranded pretzel knots. |
April 24 |
Michael Usher (Princeton) |
Spectral numbers in Novikov and Floer homology
The chain complexes in Novikov and Floer homology theories carry natural real-valued filtrations, allowing one to define the spectral number of any homology class as the infimum of the filtration levels of all chains representing that class; in the case of Hamiltonian Floer homology these numbers have had interesting applications to symplectic topology due to Schwarz, Oh, and others. I'll sketch a proof that the infimum in the definition of the spectral number is always attained. This fact allows some of the applications of the spectral numbers that have been carried out for special classes (e.g., rational or semipositive) of closed symplectic manifolds to be generalized to all closed symplectic manifolds. |