University of Virginia Mathematical Physics Seminar 2006-07
Click on the week to find out details about the seminar.
Week of Sept. 6
Organizational meeting, Wed. Sept. 6, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Sept. 13
TBA, Wed. Sept. 13, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Sept. 20
David Hasler, On the Absence of Ground States for Translation
Pauli-Fierz Models, Wed. Sept. 20, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Sept. 27
Sujin Suwanna, Finite Trotter approximation to the mean square
distance in the Anderson model, Wed. Sept. 27, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Oct. 4
Sujin Suwanna, Finite Trotter approximation to the mean square
distance in the Anderson model (cont.), Wed. Oct. 4, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Oct. 11
Yao Wang, On the invariant measure for a linear stochastic wave
equation system, Wed. Oct. 11, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Oct. 18
Yao Wang, On the invariant measure for a linear stochastic wave
equation system (cont.), Wed. Oct. 18, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Oct. 25
David Brydges, U. British Columbia, IAS, A combinatorial generalisation of Cramers rule,, Wed. Oct. 25, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Nov. 1
Brian Street, Princeton U., Hypoellipticity and loss of derivatives, Nov. 1, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Nov. 8
Luc Rey-Bellet, U. Masssachusetts, Large deviations in non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical
systems, Nov. 8, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Nov. 15
Gianluca Guadagni, A non-perturbative renormalization of the lattice
\phi^4 model in dim>4.
Nov. 15, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Nov. 29
George Hagedorn, Molecular Quantum Mechanics: A Review of the Standard
Born-Oppenheimer Theory and Modifications Concerning Hydrogen Bonding
December 1, 3:30 Kerchof 317. (Followed by
reception for J. Howland).
Week of Jan. 17
Adrian P.C. Lim, Cornell University, Path integral quantization,
January 17, 3:30 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of Jan 31
Talk postponed one week.
Week of February 5
Abdelmalek Abdesselam, Classical invariants and Feynman graphs,
February 5, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of February 7
Gianluca Guadagni, A non-perturbative renormalization of the lattice
\phi^4 model in dim>4 (cont.).
February 7, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of February 14
Gianluca Guadagni, A non-perturbative renormalization of the lattice
\phi^4 model in dim>4 (cont.).
February 14, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of February 28
Steve Sontz, Accardi complementarity and mu-deformed quantum mechanics
February 28, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of March 14
Marcel Griesemer, Asymptotic completeness for Compton scattering,
March 14, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of March 21
L.Thomas, Ergodicity for some (stochastic) differential equations; work
of M. Hairer,
March 21, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of March 28
No talk scheduled.
Week of April 11
J. Cruz Sampedro, Newton's Equation with Potentials Independent of |x|,
April 11, 3:30 Kerchof 317.
Week of April 18
Vojkan Jaksic, McGill University. An introduction to mathematical
theory of non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics,
Friday, April 20, 3:30      
Kerchof 317.
Week of April 23
Vojkan Jaksic, McGill University. An introduction to mathematical
theory of non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, (cont).
Monday, April 23, 3:30   Kerchof 317.
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Contact: Abdelmalek Abdesselam