January 30
Title: Kac-Weisfeiler
conjecture for
Lie superalgebras in prime characteristic: formulation and proof
Speaker: Lei Zhao (UVa)
February 6
Title: Commensurators of profinite groups
Speaker: Mikhail Ershov
February 13
Title: The action of automorphisms of finite
p-groups on group cohomology.
Speaker: Nick Kuhn (UVa)
February 20
Title: Quadratic
syzygies of transvectants
Speaker: Jaydeep Chipalkatti
(University of Manitoba, Canada)
February 27
Title: Minimal
isotropic simple Q-groups of higher real rank
Speaker: Dave Morris (University of
Lethbridge, Canada)
March 5
No talk
Spring break )
March 12
Title: Computing
generic character tables
Speaker: Frank Lubeck (Aachen,
March 19
Title: Kostant
homology formulas for oscillator
modules of Lie superalgebras
Speaker: Shun-Jen Cheng (Academia
Sinica, Taiwan)
March 26
Title: Limits
and Colimits in Abelian Categories
Speaker: Jason McCarty (UVa)
April 2
Title: Modular
invariant representations of W-algebras
Speaker: Tomoyuki Arakawa (Nara
Women’s University, Japan)
April 9 No talk
April 14 (Monday,
Ker 317:
note the special date)
H3 and Gerbal extensions
Speaker: Xinwen Zhu (UC
April 18 (Friday,
Ker 326:
note the special date/place)
Counting maximal lattices
Speaker: Alireza Salehi Golsefidy
April 25 (Friday:
note the special date)
Title: Affineness of some Deligne-Lusztig
Speaker: Xuhua He (StonyBrook)
Abstract: Deligne-Lusztig varieties are
some locally closed subvarieties of a flag variety. They were
introduced by Deligne and Lusztig in 1976 and play a key role in the study of
representations of finite groups of Lie type. An open problem is
whether or not all the Deligne-Lusztig varieties are affine varieties.
In this talk, we will discuss some recent progress
on this problem. If time allows, we will also discuss some
generalization of Deligne-Lusztig varieties to partial flag varieties.
April 30
Title: Modular branching rules of wreath
Hecke algebras and affine
crystal graphs
Speaker: Jinkui Wan (UVa)
Abstract: We introduce a generalization
of degenerate affine Hecke algebra, called wreath Hecke algebra (WHA).
The simple modules of WHA and of related cyclotomic algebras are classified over any
chararacteristic. The modular branching rule for these algebras is
obtained and identified with crystal graphs of quantum affine algebras.
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