Postdoctoral Scholars

Sarah Blackwell (she/her)
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Low-dimensional Topology, Symplectic/Contact Geometry
Sarah Blackwell Sarah Blackwell
Beth Branman
RTG Research Associate and Lecturer
Beth Branman Beth Branman
Jacob Campbell
Whyburn Research Associate and Lecturer
207 Kerchof Hall
Jacob Campbell Jacob Campbell
Kang Lu
Mary Ann Pitts Research Associate and Lecturer
Kang Lu Kang Lu
Brandon Shapiro
Whyburn Research Associate and Lecturer
Homotopy Theory, Category Theory, Algebraic K-Theory
Brandon Shapiro Brandon Shapiro
Ajit Singh
Nehru-Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow
207 Kerchof Hall

Ajit Singh Ajit Singh
Ben Spitz (he/him)
Whyburn Research Associate and Lecturer
Algebraic Topology, Equivariant Algebra
Ben Spitz Ben Spitz
Ryan Stees
Whyburn Research Associate and Lecturer
311 Kerchof Hall
Ryan Stees Ryan Stees
Oliver Wang
RTG Research Associate and Lecturer
Algebraic Topology, K-Theory
301 Kerchof Hall
Oliver Wang