Talk cancelled
Abstract: Recent work of Aganagic details the construction of a homological knot invariant categorifying the Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants of miniscule representations of type ADE Lie algebras, using the geometry and physics of coherent sheaves on a space which one can alternately describe as a resolved slice in the affine Grassmannian, a space of G-monopoles with specified singularities, or as the Coulomb branch of the corresponding 3d quiver gauge theories. We give a construction of this invariant using an algebraic perspective on BFN's construction of the Coulomb branch, and in fact extend it to an invariant of annular knots. This depends on the theory of line operators in the corresponding quiver gauge theory and their relationship to non-commutative resolutions of these varieties (generalizing Bezrukavnikov's non-commutative Springer resolution).