Representation Theory, Combinatorics, and Geometry

Friday October 19 — Sunday October 21, 2018

Workshop at Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Precedes the Virginia Mathematics Lectures by Andrei Okounkov, October 22 — 24, 2018
Organizers:   Jennifer Morse    Leonid Petrov    Weiqiang Wang
Schedule • (PDF) • All talks are in Wilson Hall 301

  1. Erik Carlsson (University of California, Davis)
  2. Voula Collins (University of Connecticut)
  3. Eugene Gorsky (University of California, Davis)
  4. Nicolas Guay (University of Alberta)
  5. Yiqiang Li (SUNY at Buffalo)
  6. Daniel Orr (Virginia Tech)
  7. Anna Pun (Drexel University)
  8. Richárd Rimányi (UNC Chapel Hill)
  9. Anne Schilling (University of California, Davis)
  10. Jinkui Wan (Beijing Institute of Technology, visiting University of Virginia)
  11. Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
  12. Alexander Yong (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
To help with hotel organization, please register by August 31, 2018. The deadline to request financial support is September 1, 2018.
New worlds for Lie Theory
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation under the grant DMS-1839534, and from the Simons Foundation under the grant 359360
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