The 14th Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop Series will be held at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA from March 1 – 3, 2024. The event will feature a minicourse series by Ivan Losev from Yale University, and speakers Thomas Haines (University of Maryland), Iva Halacheva (Northeastern), Naihuan Jing (NC State), Kang Lu (UVA), Julia Plavnik (Indiana University Bloomington), Oleksandr Tsymbaliuk (Purdue). Registration is now open.
Local organizers: Kang Lu Jennifer Morse You Qi Weiqiang Wang
The workshop is followed by a two-day conference Randomness and Lie-theoretic structures organized by Daniel Orr (Virginia Tech) and Leonid Petrov (UVA)
Department of Mathematics is very happy to welcome Ingrid Daubechies for a virtual visit on Monday, September 14 and Tuesday, September 15. Here is the information about the events (all times in EDT; password is the speaker’s first name in lowercase):
Department of Mathematics and Institute of Mathematical Science will hold the workshop on Representations of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups.
Organizers: Dan Nakano (University of Georgia) Andrei Rapinchuk Weiqiang Wang
Public lecture by Prof. Diane Hoffoss (University of San Diego) “Unfolding Humanity: Mathematics at Burning Man” will be on October 21 at 5:30pm in Physics Building 204. The public talk is for general audience.
Diane will visit UVa on October 21-22, see here for a full schedule of events and more details.
A conference on the role of journals in mathematics hosted by Professor Karen Parshall and sponsored by IMS will be held at University of Virginia from May 28 to 30, 2018.
A Public Lecture by Jacob Sherson (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark and ScienceAtHome) entitled
will be given on April 19 at 7:00pm in Clark 108
The event is cosponsored by the IMS and Departments of Mathematics and Physics
The UVa Department of Mathematics & The Institute of Mathematical Sciences present Special Lectures by Barry Simon (California Institute of Technology) entitled
Schedule, abstracts, and PDF slides »
Part of the 2015-2016 focus year in analysis sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Science at the University of Virginia
In his entertaining and fast-paced performance, Dr. Benjamin shows how to mentally add and multiply faster than a calculator, improve your memory for numbers and figure that days of the week for any day in history… and more!