Financial Support

Stipends and support

There is no separate application form for financial aid; all applicants for admission to the Ph.D. program are automatically considered.

Almost all mathematics doctoral graduate students are guaranteed five years of full support at the University, with financial aid awarded on an annual basis, contingent upon satisfactory progress.

Entering students typically have teaching fellowships, which involve assisting in discussion sections of undergraduate courses. Most advanced students have teaching assistantships, which involve teaching lower division undergraduate courses such as calculus. Every student gets two semesters without teaching on our usual fellowship support. A small number of students may also be supported through university fellowships, outside fellowships, and research grants.

Stipends include an allowance for health insurance, tuition, and fees.

Additional support in the summer is available for students who continue to demonstrate progress toward their degree during the summer.

Some graduate students in topology are supported by the NSF RTG grant. See the RTG page.

Jefferson Scholars Foundation Graduate Fellowships

The Mathematics Department is able to nominate a small number of applicants to be considered for Jefferson Scholars Foundation Graduate Fellowships.  The award of these prestigious fellowships is based on strong academic disciplinary credentials, combined with an interest in reaching out to a broad audience.

The department solicits nominations from eligible students in the Spring, and department nominees are considered by a college-wide committee.

For more information about this see

Funding opportunities for current graduate students

Internal funding

Departmental Money

We have money to support graduate student travel to conferences, workshops, and other institutions for work-related visits. Apply for funding with the host insitutions, but then also email with the proposed expenses before your trip.

Outside Sources

Conferences Organizers

Many conferences have money to support the travel of younger mathematicians. If you are attending a conference and need funding, you should contact the organizers and ask if funding is available and what you need to do to procure it.

American Mathematical Society

The AMS has several kinds of travel grants:

Association for Women in Mathematics

The AWM provides funding for women in mathematics to travel for conferences, mentoring opportunites, and workshops. More information can be found at their website: