Final Exercises for the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. on the Lawn.
The ceremony times and locations for the Mathematics Department Diploma Ceremony are listed below (11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.):
Fair Weather: Pavilion I, Lower Garden
Inclement or Severe Weather: Warner Hall, Room 209
The two-day conference Randomness and Lie-theoretic structures will be held at University of Virginia on March 4-5, 2024. Speakers include Ben Brubaker (Minnesota), Laura Colmenarejo (North Carolina State University), Jimmy He (MIT), Jeffrey Kuan (Texas A&M), Colin McSwiggen (NYU Courant), Jennifer Morse (University of Virginia), Slava Naprienko (UNC Chapel Hill), Siddhartha Sahi (Rutgers), Mark Shimozono (Virginia Tech), and there will be short participant talks. Financial support is available for graduate students and early career researchers through the 4-VA Virginia Collaborative Research Initiative.
Organizers: Daniel Orr (Virginia Tech) and Leonid Petrov (UVA)
This conference follows a workshop Quantum Structures in Lie Theory which is on March 1-3, 2024.
The 14th Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop Series will be held at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA from March 1 – 3, 2024. The event will feature a minicourse series by Ivan Losev from Yale University, and speakers Thomas Haines (University of Maryland), Iva Halacheva (Northeastern), Naihuan Jing (NC State), Kang Lu (UVA), Julia Plavnik (Indiana University Bloomington), Oleksandr Tsymbaliuk (Purdue). Registration is now open.
Local organizers: Kang Lu Jennifer Morse You Qi Weiqiang Wang
The workshop is followed by a two-day conference Randomness and Lie-theoretic structures organized by Daniel Orr (Virginia Tech) and Leonid Petrov (UVA)
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Virginia invites applications for the following positions (links to mathjobs ads):
Though they have a common thread, the three lectures will be self-contained, and can mostly be followed independently of each other.
The 2023 Southeastern Probability Conference II will be held at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA on Aug 14-15, 2023. (There will be two meetings in the conference series this year. The 2023 Southeastern Probability Conference I will be at Duke University on May 15-16, 2023.)